
Subtitler | Voice, Text

Uses the speech_recognition library to record audio from the selected microphone input. It performs voice activity detection (VAD) using the webrtcvad module to detect speech segments in the recorded audio.

Once a speech segment is detected, it is processed using the whisper library to perform speech recognition. The resulting text is then translated from the source language (Japanese by default) to the target language (English by default) using the deep_translator module.

The translated text is displayed as subtitles on the screen using a Tkinter overlay window.

Github: here


MMD Dance Rythm Game | Vision

Dancing rythm game that requires players to mirror dance moves as they appear on the screen in real-time while watching themselves in a webcam preview.

Github: here


Tech Stacks: Mediapipe, OpenCV, Sklearn

MLOPS with Kubernetes 0 to 1

arch Repository aimed to help anyone who get stuck and doesn’t know where to start with MLOPS with kubernetes.

This repository includes: deployment manifest, training code example, Dockerfile. This is a living repository and will always be updated based on request 😄.

Github: here.

Tech Stacks: Istio, Kubernetes, Docker

Address Elements Extraction | NLP, Competition

Built a Named Entity Recognition to extract extract Point of Interest (POI) Names and Street Names from unstructured and unformatted Indonesia addresses.

implementation details here, 20th Place.

Tech Stacks: Pytorch, Sklearn, Huggingface Transformers, CRF

RealTime Vehicle Counting and Tracking | Vision

Built model to count number of vehicle (Truck, Car, Bus, Motorbike, Bicycle) using YoloV2 as object detector model and Kalman Filter as object tracker in real-time.

Github (Bahasa Indonesia): here


Tech Stacks: Keras, OpenCV, YoloV2


How Data Science is Boosting Ruangguru to Solve Complex EdTech Problems

Indonesia, 2021.

Recommender System in Education

Indonesia, 2021.

Modeling Student’s Understanding Level of a Concept with Knowledge Tracing

Guest Lecture of Institut Teknologi Bandung, IF3270 Pembelajaran Mesin (Machine Learning).

Indonesia, 2021.

Read more about me here.