Binomial Variable

special class of random variable

X = number of success given N trial with p probability of each success on each trial where each trial are independent with each other.


  1. made of independent trials
  2. each trials can be classified as success or failure
  3. fixed # of trials
  4. probability of success on each trial is constant

Binomial distribution

special case of probability mass function from a binomial variable pmf if the probability of success is p, the probability of having exactly k success given n trial is given by:

$$Binom(k|n,p) \triangleq (_kC_n) p^k(1-p)^{n-k}$$


title:Intuition: the probability to get 3 head from 5 trial of a coin with 0.6 probability of having head is

the sum of all probability of having 3 head and 2 coin in every possible combination hence: p(HHHTT) + p(HHTHT) + p(HHTTH) + … + p(TTHHH) with each has probability of = $$p(head)^3 \neg p(head)^2 = 0.6^{3}0.4^{2}$$ and the combination of having 3 Head from 5 trial is denoted as $$_3C_5 = 10$$ so the probability of having exactly 3 head is 0.3456

Mean of Binom

$$E[Binom(k|n,p)] = np$$

Variance of Binom

$$Var[Binom(k|n,p)] = np(1-p)$$


  1. Variance:
  2. binomial: