Check: MLOps (mlops) as well.
- Define the project.
- Decide on key metrics.
- Estimate resources, and timeline.
- Define data.
- establish a baselines, and address data labeling inconsistencies.
- obtaining data.
- Standardize data labeling conventions.
- Advanced Labeling Technique:
- Semi-supervised Learning
- Active Learning
- Weak Supervision
- Advanced Labeling Technique:
- Define data.
Modeling: To get started in modelling there are 3 key input: Code (algorithm/model), Hyperparameter, Data. In general: Optimizing data and hyperparameters can be more effective for production systems. (the code (algorithm/model) is fixed.
- Select and train the model while optimizing data and hyperparameters.
- optimizing data such as using
- Perform error analysis in machine learning to identify areas for improvement.
- Perform model debugging to ensure model robustness.
- Improve model robustness by performing model remediation.
- Use ML Experiment Tracking tools throughout the modeling processes.
- Select and train the model while optimizing data and hyperparameters.
- Deploy the system (Perform model resource optimization if needed)
- On-Edge
- Online Inference using a service (ML model serving)
- Batch Inference (ML Batch Inference)
- Monitor, and maintain it in production.
- To deal with data distribution changes.
- Deploy the system (Perform model resource optimization if needed)