Measuring Product Improvement

Before launching a feature, it is crucial to analyze existing data to make informed decisions about what to build. This process often leads to questions about the potential impact of adding, changing, or improving a feature.

Understanding Feature Change

To evaluate a feature change, it is essential to understand why someone proposed the feature and what goals it aims to achieve (similar to measuring success in a product. To determine if utilizing the feature change will benefit your product long-term goals, we must establish a connection between the goals of the proposed feature and the overall objectives.

Decide the Metric for the Feature update

see measuring success in a product for more details

Design Experiment

see ab-testing

Interpret Results

In general:

  • Launch If:
    • Success Metrics are all practically and statistically significant
    • No violation of assumptions
    • No negative change in guardrail metrics
  • Do Not Launch if:
    • Violation of assumptions
    • Negative change in guardrail metrics

Understand Trade-off between metrics

How to make a decision when one metric goes up and one metric goes down? Mental Model: Eg. user acquisition & revenue: Expensive campaigns increase user acquisition but degrade revenue.

Solution: Align and discuss with stakeholders! Discuss about:

  • Unify both positive and negative impact to one metric (Overall Evaluation Criterion).
  • Segmentation of positive and negative on user groups and features.
  • Discuss whether the overall result is desirable.