Model Remediation

ways to improve model robustness:

Data Augmentation

data augmentation can help generalize the model and reduce sensitivity and useful for correcting unbalanced data.

  • Ensure training data accurately represents the requests your model will receive.
  • Generate data through techniques like generative or interpretive methods, or by adding noise..

Explainable AI (XAI)

  • Understand the inner workings of your model to improve robustness.
  • Tools and techniques are available to enhance model interpretability.

Model Editing

  • Edit models manually to improve performance and robustness.
  • Tweak the learned parameters to correct issues and enhance performance.

Model Assertions

  • Apply business rules or sanity checks to model results before delivering them.
  • Use model assertions to alter or bypass results based on predefined rules.
  • Ensure predictions align with domain-specific constraints (for example age can’t be less than 0).

Reducing Model Bias

Diverse Data Set

  • Use a diverse and representative data set that reflects the user population.
  • Include individuals with diverse backgrounds and expertise in ethics and related disciplines in the development team.

Careful Feature Selection

  • Employ feature selection techniques such as sampling and reweighting to minimize discrimination in training data.
  • Consider fairness metrics when selecting hyperparameters and decision cutoff thresholds.

Fairness Metrics and Tools

  • Utilize fairness indicators and fairness metric evaluation tools.
  • Train fair models directly using techniques like learning fair representations (LFR) and adversarial debiasing such as aif360.
  • Employ dual objective functions that balance accuracy and fairness metrics.
  • Use rejection option classification tools to reduce unwanted bias.

Model Monitoring and Debugging

Continuous Monitoring

  • Constantly monitor model accuracy, fairness, and security characteristics.
  • Models need regular checks for accuracy, fairness, and security issues as data and circumstances change.
  • Implement monitoring into your process to ensure ongoing model performance evaluation.

Anomaly Detection

  • Employ techniques such as data integrity constraints, statistical process control, and anomaly detection through autoencoders and isolation forests.
  • Compare model predictions to benchmark model predictions to identify anomalies.

